Dr. George Ackerman | | | gackerman@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Catherine AdamsAssociate Professor of African American Studies | Humanities | Chapel 11 | caadams@claflin.edu8035355127 | |
Dr. Latitia AdamsAssociate Director of Human Resources | Human Resources | Tingley Hall | latadams@claflin.edu | |
Maryam Kh Aldaei | | | maldaei@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Luis C. AlmeidaAssociate Professor of Mass Communications | Mass Communication | Grace Thomas Kennedy 202 | lalmeida@claflin.edu8035355520 | |
Dr. Theodore William AndersonInstructor of Human Performance & Recreation/Education | School of Education | Jonas T. Kennedy 128 | tanderson@claflin.edu8035355803 | |
Mrs. Priscilla T. AndersonDirector of Internal Audit | Office of the President | Tingley Hall 2-S2 | panderson@claflin.edu8035355372 | |
Dr. Shani B. Anderson | | | shananderson@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Joyce Archie | | | jarchie@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Samina N. Assanie-ShivjiProfessor of Biology | Biology | Molecular Science Research Center 102 | shassanali@claflin.edu8035355079 | Dr. Samina N. Assanie-Shivji |
Dr. Omar BagasraProfessor & Director of The SC Center for Biotechnology | Biology | James S. Thomas 215 | obagasra@claflin.edu8035355253 | Dr. Omar Bagasra |
Dr. Indira BaileyAssistant Professor of Art Education | Art | Calhoun-Downs Laymen Hall 209 | ibailey@claflin.edu8035355650 | |
Mr. Stanley BakerMaintenance Manager | Sodexo | | stanley.baker@claflin.edu8033474826 | |
Mrs. Deitra M. BanksAdministrative Assistant | Enrollment Office | Tingley Hall 1-S1 | dbanks@claflin.edu8035355719 | |
Douglas B. BarnesCounseling and Placement | Student Services | | dobarnes@claflin.edu8035355012 | |
Dr. Astrid M. BeckersVisiting Professor of English | English | | abeckers@claflin.edu8033781548 | |
Mrs. Shanelle BennettAssessment and Testing Coordinator | Institutional Effectiveness | James S. Thomas 128 | smyke@claflin.edu8035355218 | |
Dr. Delvon A Benson | | | delvon.benson@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Lashannon Renee BethuneSponsored Programs Administrator I | Sponsored Programs | Abernathy House GO | lbethune@claflin.edu8035355543 | |
Ms. Shirley A BiggsAssociate Vice President for Human Resources/ Title IX Coordinator | Human Resources | Tingley Hall 1-S4 | sbiggs@claflin.edu8035355268 | |
Ms. Kimberly M. BingAssistant Director of First and Second Year Experience | | Bowen Hall 123 | kbing@claflin.edu8035355284 | |
Mr. Michael BlandAssistant Women's Basketball Coach | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 121 | mbland@claflin.edu8035355692 | |
Dr. Jarred M. Boan | | | jboan@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Akeem A. BoneparteAthletic Academic Advisor/Academic Student Supt. Counselor | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 107 | akeem.bonepart@claflin.edu8035355022 | |
Dr. Dennis F. BormannAssistant Professor of English | English | Grace Thomas Kennedy 217 | dbormann@claflin.edu8035355222 | |
Dr. Arezue F.B. BoroujerdiAssociate Professor of Chemistry | Chemistry | Molecular Science Research Center 109 | aboroujerdi@claflin.edu8035355536 | Dr. Arezue F.B. Boroujerdi |
Ms. Raquel K. BoulwareInstructor of Computer Engineering | Math & Computer Science | JST 233 | rboulware@claflin.edu8035355405 | |
Dr. Mahalah Bowman-CampbellVisiting Assistant Professor of Psychology | Social Sciences | Goff House GO | mbowmancampbell@claflin.edu8035355714 | |
Mrs. Alicia Cooper BradleyChemistry Research Associate/Instructor | Chemistry | James S. Thomas 309 | acbradley@claflin.edu8035355050 | |
Ms. Crystal R BraileyStudent Success Coach | Office of the President | Trustee Hall GO | cbrailey@claflin.edu8035355800 | |
Coby Dion Brandyburg | | | cbrandyburg@claflin.edu | |
Mr. James Elton BrennAssociate Vice President for Information Technology | Information Technology | Tingley Hall 1-S2 | jbrenn@claflin.edu8035355326 | |
Ms. Sherry D BridgesProgram Coordinator/Associate Administrative Assistant | Math & Computer Science | James S. Thomas 125 | shbridges@claflin.edu8035355256 | |
Mrs. Sharon H. BriggmanAssistant Registrar | Enrollment Office | Tingley Hall 1-S1 | sbriggman@claflin.edu8035355336 | |
Dr. Daryl Brockington | | | dbrockington@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Nadine Brooks | | | nbrooks@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Andre E. Brooks-KeyAssociate Professor of African American Studies | Humanities | Chapel 13 | akey@claflin.edu8035355700 | Dr. Andre E. Brooks-Key |
Mr. Dennis BrothersMedia Specialist | Mass Communication | Grace Thomas Kennedy 233 | dbrothers@claflin.edu8035355608 | |
Dr. Laurence R BrownAssistant Professor of Accounting | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 216 | laubrown@claflin.edu8035355817 | |
Ms. Barbara W. Brown | | | barbrown@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Reynolda BrownVice President for Enrollment Management | Enrollment Office | Calhoun-Downs Laymen Hall 112 | reybrown@claflin.edu8035355569 | |
Ms. RaSheeda V. Brown | | | rasbrown@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Bernay M. BrownAdministrative Assistant | Honors College | University Honors Center 1 | bebrown@claflin.edu8035355747 | |
Mr. Damon Marcellin Brown-Crawford | | | dbrown-crawford@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Yvonne BryantAssociate Administrative Assistant | Biology | James S. Thomas 225 | ybryant@claflin.edu8035355774 | |
Dr. Mohammad Zaki BsatAssociate Professor of Management | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 117 | zbsat@claflin.edu8035355227 | Dr. Mohammad Zaki Bsat |
Dr. Tantiana D BurnsAssistant Professor of Environmental Science | School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | James S. Thomas 311 | tburns@claflin.edu8035355500 | |
Mr. Albert BurtonInformation Technology Specialist I | Information Technology | James S. Thomas 128 | aburton@claflin.edu8035355741 | |
Mrs. Jacqueline B ButlerResidential Life Coordinator | Residential Life | Highrise OR-1 | jacbutler@claflin.edu8035355315 | Mrs. Jacqueline B Butler |
Mr. Cornelius CakleyVisiting Assistant Professor of Art/Digital Design | School of Humanities & Social Science | Calhoun-Downs Laymen Hall 202 | ccakley@claflin.edu8035355337 | |
Mrs. Carol Campbell GordonAdministrative Assistance | | | ccampbellgordon@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Dakota T.J. CarlsonInterim Writing Center Coordinator | English | Grace Thomas Kennedy 219 | dcarlson@claflin.edu8035355217 | |
Mr. Caleb Carpenter | | | ccarpenter@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Shatira E ChampionDirector of Counseling | Student Development & Services | Goff House GO | schampion@claflin.edu8035355285 | |
Dr. Leon Chang Shik | | | lchang@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Nathan ChaplinAssistant Professor/Coordinator of Human Performance and Recreation Activities | School of Education | Jonas T. Kennedy 120 | nchaplin@claflin.edu8035355363 | Dr. Nathan Chaplin |
| Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall S3-7 | bchappell@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Jianguo ChenAssociate Professor of Biology | Biology | James S. Thomas 229 | jchen@claflin.edu8035355893 | Dr. Jianguo Chen |
Ms. Nankwanga CherryAcademic Student Support Coordinator | Biology | James S. Thomas 207 | ncherry@claflin.edu8035355405 | |
Dr. Eunjung ChoiProfessor of Music | Music | W. Vernon Middleton Fine Arts Center 115 | echoi@claflin.edu8035355355 | Dr. Eunjung Choi |
Dr. Mohammed K. ChowdhuryProfessor of Biology | Biology | James S. Thomas 225-B | kchowdhury@claflin.edu8035355723 | Dr. Mohammed K. Chowdhury |
Ms. Denise A. ChungAssociate Administrative Assistant/Music | Music | Music Building 201 | dchung@claflin.edu8035355193 | |
Ms. Jennifer Lakendra ClarkAssociate Administrative Assistant | English | W. Vernon Middleton Fine Arts Center GO | jclark@claflin.edu8035355463 | |
Mr. Warren M. CleckleyLab Manager/Instructor | Biology | James S. Thomas 228 | warren.cleckley@claflin.edu8035355675 | |
Ms. Veronica M. CohenAssociate VP of Institutional Advancement | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall S3-7 | vcohen@claflin.edu8035355376 | |
Miss Brittny CokleyMultimedia Graphic Designer | Communications and Marketing | Tingley Hall S3-7 | bcokley@claflin.edu8035355751 | |
Mr. Tim ColemanDirector of Facilities | Sodexo | | timothy.coleman@sodexo.com7722840838 | |
Dr. Gwendolyn J. ConnerInterim Director of Development/Proposal Writer | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall 3-S12 | gwendolyn.conner@claflin.edu8035355682 | |
Ms. Bernita C Cooper | | | becooper@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Deborah Cooper-Davis | | | dcooperdavis@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Marcus D Corbett | | | mcorbett@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Joseph C. CottonDirector of Public Relations | Communications and Marketing | Tingley Hall 3-S7 | jocotton@claflin.edu8035355350 | |
Mrs. Priscilla M. CramerAthletics Program Support Technician Senior | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy GO | pcramer@claflin.edu8035355504 | |
Mrs. Pamela CrawfordInternational Admissions Counselor/Advisor | Admissions | Campus Center 113 | pcrawford@claflin.edu8035355694 | |
Dr. Emily M. CrawfordVisiting Professor of Marketing | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 111 | ecrawford@claflin.edu8035355137 | Dr. Emily M. Crawford |
Dr. Eric S. CrawfordAssociate Professor of Ethnomusicology | Music | Music Building 203 | ercrawford@claflin.edu8035355076 | |
Ms. Charody CriteMedical Assistant | Health Center | Health Center GO | ccrite@claflin.edu8035355328 | |
Dr. Micah Crump | | | mcrump@claflin.edu | |
Katrina P Cummings | | | kacummings@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Vickel M. Darby | | | vidarby@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Paul R. Davis | | | padavis@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Marquis DavisStaff Accountant | Accounting | Tingley Hall 2-S4 | marqdavis@claflin.edu8035355413 | |
Mrs. Theresa T. DavisAssistant Professor of Math & Computer Sciences | Math & Computer Science | JSTANNEX R-3 | tdavis@claflin.edu8035355248 | Mrs. Theresa T. Davis |
Dr. Abdelrahman DesokyAssociate Professor of Computer Engineering | Math & Computer Science | James S. Thomas 304 | adesoky@claflin.edu8035355672 | Dr. Abdelrahman Desoky |
Amith Devireddy | | | adevireddy@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Bridget P. DeweesAssistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness | Institutional Effectiveness | Tingley Hall 1-S2 | bdewees@claflin.edu8035355793 | |
Dr. Bijoy DeyAssociate Professor of Chemistry | Chemistry | Molecular Science Research Center 103 | bdey@claflin.edu8035355521 | |
Tajuane H Dockery | | | tdockery@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Arthur E DoctorDean of Students | Student Development & Services | Campus Center 113 | adoctor@claflin.edu8035355591 | |
Mr. Charles E Dowling | | | chdowling@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Marilyn Gibbs DraytonLibrary Director | Library | H.V. Manning Library 201 | mgibbs@claflin.edu8035355309 | |
Dr. Steffani N. DrigginsAssociate Professor of Biology | Biology | James S. Thomas 219 | sdriggins@claflin.edu8035355223 | |
Mr. Brion R. DunlapHead Men's Basketball Coach | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 102 | bdunlap@claflin.edu8035355360 | |
Dr. Leroy A. DurantVP Student Development & Services | Student Development & Services | Calhoun-Downs Laymen Hall 107 | ldurant@claflin.edu8035355341 | |
Mr. Larry N. DuVall | | | lduvall@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Gabrielle J. EdwardsAssistant Professor of Biology | Biology | Molecular Science Research Center 102 | gedwards@claflin.edu8035355112 | |
Dr. Sylvester N. EkpenumaProfessor of Physics | Math & Computer Science | James S. Thomas 124 | ekpenuma@claflin.edu8035355254 | Dr. Sylvester N. Ekpenuma |
Ms. Patricia A ElliottCampus Safety Officer | Public Safety | High Rise Hall OR-1 | pelliott@claflin.edu8035355444 | |
Dr. Jonathan Evans | | | jonevans@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Jonathan C. EvansAssistant Professor of English | English | Grace Thomas Kennedy 208 | jonevans@claflin.edu8035355699 | |
Mrs. Cynthia C. FelderAdmissions Specialist | Admissions | Tingley Hall 1-S3 | cfelder@claflin.edu8035355105 | |
Dr. Natasha Ferguson DennisonAssociate Professor of Sports Management & Program Coordinator | School of Education | Jonas T. Kennedy GO | nfergusondennison@claflin.edu8035355518 | |
Dr. Earle J. Fisher | | | efisher@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Sabrina FrazierAdministrative Assistant (Counseling/ADA) | Student Development & Services | Goff House GO | safrazier@claflin.edu8035355033 | |
Dr. Kristen E. Fung | | | kfung@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Stephanie L. Ganaway-Pasley | | | sganawaypasley@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Manuel IV GarciaAssistant Professor of Management | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 103 | magarcia@claflin.edu8035355297 | Dr. Manuel IV Garcia |
Mr. Sean GavinMaintenance Manager | Sodexo | | robert.gavin@sodexo.com5702162680 | |
Mrs. Sharon G GileAssistant Professor of Curriculum & Instruction | English & Foreign Language | Grace Thomas Kennedy 215 | sgile@claflin.edu8035355318 | Mrs. Sharon G Gile |
Dr. Alison P. Gise JohnsonAssociate Professor of Philosophy | Humanities | Chapel ST-24 | agisejohnson@claflin.edu8035355894 | |
Mrs. Adrenna Althea GloverSenior Administrative Assistant | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall 3-S10 | adglover@claflin.edu8035355312 | |
Mr. Raishad J GloverAssistant Professor of Studio Art | Art | Calhoun-Downs Laymen Hall 203 | raglover@claflin.edu8035355810 | Mr. Raishad J Glover |
Mr. Jose R. GonzalezHead Softball Coach | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 128 | jogonzalez@claflin.edu8035355030 | |
Mrs. MaLinda GonzalezSenior Associate Director of Human Resources | Human Resources | Tingley Hall 1-S4 | mhodgesgonzalez@claflin.edu8035355134 | |
Mr. Trevin Q. GoodwinDirector of Media Relations | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 123 | tregoodwin@claflin.edu8035355548 | |
Mrs. Sonya E. GoodwinAdministrative Assistant | School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | James S. Thomas 112 | sgoodwin@claflin.edu8035355246 | |
Mr. John E. GoodwinSecurity Officer Manager | Public Safety | High Rise Hall MR1_1 | jgoodwin@claflin.edu8035355445 | |
Ms. LaRhonda GordonProfessional Standards & Compliance Manager/Police | Public Safety | High Rise Hall OR-1 | lgordon@claflin.edu8035355446 | |
Dr. Donna GoughProfessor of Mass Communication | Mass Communication | Grace Thomas Kennedy 205 | dgough@claflin.edu8035355769 | Dr. Donna Gough |
Mrs. Tangela GrahamAssociate Administrative Assistant | First and Second Year Experience | Bowen Hall 123 | tangelagraham@claflin.edu8035355282 | |
Ms. Clarissa GrahamInstructor/Coordinator of Clinical Experiences and Community Engagement in the School of Education | School of Education | Bowen Hall 106 | clgraham@claflin.edu8035355090 | |
Mrs. Andrea B. GrantDirector for Advancement Services, Gifts Processing and Donor Acknowledgements | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall S3-11 | agrant@claflin.edu8035355357 | |
Mrs. Sabrina GreenAssistant Director of the Honors College | Honors College | University Honors Center 1 | sagreen@claflin.edu8035355647 | |
Mrs. LaToya D GreenGrants Accountant | Accounting | Tingley Hall 2-S4 | latgreen@claflin.edu8035355467 | |
Mrs. Belinda Green-BrownInterim Associate Administrative Assistant | Art | Calhoun-Downs Laymen Hall 207 | bgreen-brown@claflin.edu8035355681 | |
Dr. Cameo Green-Coleman | | | cgreen@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Lindsay GreeneSenior Grants Accountant | Accounting | Tingley Hall 2-S4 | lgreene@claflin.edu8035355373 | |
Mr. Robert GreeneAssistant Professor of History | Humanities | Chapel 23 | rogreene@claflin.edu8035355399 | Mr. Robert Greene |
Dr. Monica L. GreeneAssistant Vice President for Honors and College Experiences | Honors College | University Honors Center 1 | mlgreene@claflin.edu8035355094 | |
Mrs. Annette C. Dees GreviousAssociate Professor of Speech/Drama | English | W. Vernon Middleton Fine Arts Center 206 | agrevious@claflin.edu8035355897 | Mrs. Annette C. Dees Grevious |
Dr. Harpal S. GrewalProfessor of Economics | School of Business | Trustee Hall 10 | hgrewal@claflin.edu8035355202 | Dr. Harpal S. Grewal |
Ms. Chymaine D. GuinyardHead Volleyball Coach | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 128 | chguinyard@claflin.edu8035355367 | |
Mr. Herbert M. HallmanSecurity Corporal | Public Safety | High Rise Hall OR-1 | hhallman@claflin.edu8035355444 | |
Dr. Reid HardawayAssistant Professor of English | English | Trustee Hall GO | rhardaway@claflin.edu8035355645 | |
Dr. Teresa Hardee BooneExecutive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer | Office of the President | Tingley Hall S3-11 | thardee@claflin.edu8035355462 | |
Dr. Teresa Hardee BooneExecutive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer | Office of the President | Tingley Hall S3-11 | thardeeboone@claflin.edu8035355462 | |
Mrs. Hattie J. HarmonStudent Accounts Supervisor | Accounting | Tingley Hall 2-S3 | hharmon@claflin.edu8035355415 | |
Dr. Randall H. HarrisAssociate Professor of Biology | Biology | James S. Thomas 214 | rharris@claflin.edu8035355390 | Dr. Randall H. Harris |
Dr. Vanessa HarrisAcademic Advisor/Coach/Assistant Professor of Education | Academic Affairs | CU Downtown Center 217 | vharris@claflin.edu8035355370 | |
Mr. William Lee HarterJournalist-in-Residence | Mass Communication | Grace Thomas Kennedy GO | wharter@claflin.edu8035335520 | Mr. William Lee Harter |
Dr. Zia HasanVice President of Institutional Effectiveness | Planning & Assessment | Tingley Hall 3-S8 | hasan@claflin.edu8035355219 | |
Mr. Teddy HayesCatering Manager | Sodexo | | teddy.hayes@sodexo.com5164584994 | |
Ms. Helaine Y. HayesSenior Staff Nurse | Health Center | Health Center GO | hhayes@claflin.edu8035355328 | |
Ms. Bernestine H. HaynesLibrary Assistant | Library | H.V. Manning Library 205 | bhaynes@claflin.edu8035355754 | |
Webster William Heath | | | wheath@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Michelle Manning HenryMajor Gifts & Planned Giving Officer | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall 3-S12 | mhenry@claflin.edu8035355628 | |
Dr. Andreas P. HerzogVisiting Assistant Professor of English | English & Foreign Language | Trustee Hall GO | aherzog@claflin.edu8035355554 | |
Dr. Matthew A. HiattAssociate Professor of Psychology | Social Sciences | Goff House 2 | mahiatt@claflin.edu8035355276 | Dr. Matthew A. Hiatt |
Dr. Nicholas J. HillDean of the School of Business & Professor of Economics | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 102 | nhill@claflin.edu8035355689 | |
Mr. Thurman D. HollinsInstructor of Instrumental Music/Director of Bands | Music | Music Building 101 | tdhollins@claflin.edu8035355416 | |
Mr. Muhammad Iqbal HossainDirector of Instructional Technology | Information Technology | Tingley Hall 3-S8 | m.hossain@claflin.edu8035355674 | |
Mr. David R Howell | | | dhowell@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Cynthia Hubbard-MitchellOffice Manager Facilities | Sodexo | | cynthia.hubbardMitchell@sodexo.com8035355273 | |
Mr. Adonikam J. Hudson | | | ahudson@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Shirley Anne HugeeAcademic Student Support Coordinator/Upward Bound | Trio Program | Boulevard House (Soar Center/Upward Bound) GO | shugee@claflin.edu8035355061 | |
Mrs. Mamie D. HugginsLibrary Specialist | Library | H.V. Manning Library 100B | mhuggins@claflin.edu8035355305 | |
Dr. Candice L. IdlebirdChair of Department of Social Sciences/Assistant Professor of Sociology | Social Sciences | Goff House GO | cidlebird@claflin.edu8035355277 | |
Ms. Mesha Iglehart-HelaireAssistant Director of Housing and Administration | Residential Life | Campus Center 115 | tigleharthelaire@claflin.edu8035355651 | |
Dr. Saliman A. Isa | | | sisa@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Caroletta Shuler IveyAssociate Professor of Criminal Justice | Social Sciences | Goff House GO | civey@claflin.edu8035355898 | Dr. Caroletta Shuler Ivey |
Mr. Garon JacksonInterim Head Men's & Women's Track & Field Coach | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 127 | gjackson@claflin.edu8035355196 | |
Dr. Annette S. JacksonDirector of Global Programs and Associate Professor of Marketing | Academic Affairs | Grace Thomas Kennedy 221 | annjackson@claflin.edu8035355447 | |
Mrs. Karen F. James | | | kajames@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Naysha JamisonParking Coordinator/Administrative Assistant | Public Safety | High Rise Hall OR-1 | nyajamison@claflin.edu8035355451 | |
Mrs. Kristen J JamisonInformation Technolgy Specialist II | Information Technology | Tingley Hall 1-S2 | krijamison@claflin.edu8035355441 | |
Ms. Angela JamisonSenior Administrative Assistant/Office Manager | Academic Affairs | Tingley Hall 3-S9 | ajamison@claflin.edu8035355417 | |
Dr. John J JasinaProfessor of Economics | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 111 | jjasina@claflin.edu8035355208 | Dr. John J Jasina |
Mr. Terrence C JenkinsHead Women's Basketball Coach | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 120 | terrence.jenkins@claflin.edu8035355368 | |
Dr. Friggita JohnsonAssistant Professor of Education | School of Education | Bowen Hall 138 | frijohnson@claflin.edu8035355396 | |
Timothy M Johnson | | | tijohnson@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Kenesha S. JohnsonVisiting Assistant Professor of Teacher Education | School of Education | Bowen Hall 105 | kenejohnson@claflin.edu8035355289 | |
Dr. Ross S. JohnsonAssociate Professor of Biology | Biology | James S. Thomas 218 | rosjohnson@claflin.edu8035355664 | |
Dr. Corey R. JohnsonAssistant Professor | Chemistry | | cojohnson@claflin.edu | |
Cheryl Johnson Benjamin | | | cjohnsonbenjamin@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Betty J. Johnson-PringleBenefits Manager | Human Resources | Tingley Hall 1-S4 | bjohnson-pringle@claflin.edu8035355420 | |
Dr. Hyejung JuProfessor of Mass Communications | Mass Communication | Grace Thomas Kennedy 203 | hju@claflin.edu8035355214 | Dr. Hyejung Ju |
Dr. Uruthira KalapathyChair, Department of Chemistry | Chemistry | James S. Thomas 322 | ukalapat@claflin.edu8035355448 | Dr. Uruthira Kalapathy |
Ms. Azima KalsumInstructor/Research Associate | Chemistry | James S. Thomas 309 | akalsum@claflin.edu8035355224 | Ms. Azima Kalsum |
Mrs. Hye Sun KangVisiting Instructor of Management | School of Business | Molecular Science Research Center 135 | hykang@claflin.edu8035355685 | |
Dr. Laura J. KeithAssociate Professor of Music | Music | Music Building 205 | lkeith@claflin.edu8035355298 | Dr. Laura J. Keith |
Ms. Louise KeittAdministrative Assistant/Accounting | Accounting | Tingley Hall 2-S4 | lokeitt@claflin.edu8035355705 | |
Dr. Patricia Kelley | | | pkelley@claflin.edu | |
Miss Brianna M KellyManager of the Call Center | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall 3-S12 | bkelly@claflin.edu8035355377 | |
Mr. Demeturia L. KellyEducational Technologist | School of Education | Bowen Hall 101 | dekelly@claflin.edu8035355316 | |
Mr. Abu KhanExecutive Director of Institutional Research | Institutional Effectiveness | Tingley Hall 1-S2 | khan@claflin.edu8035355343 | |
Dr. Abdullah M KhanProfessor of Economics | School of Business | Trustee Hall 10 | akhan@claflin.edu8035355479 | Dr. Abdullah M Khan |
Mrs. Azeem U. Khan | | | azkhan@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Jaehoon KimAssociate Professor of Finance | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 117A | jkim@claflin.edu8035355464 | Dr. Jaehoon Kim |
Dr. Melissa KnightInterim Assoc. Dean & Assistant Professor of Nursing | Nursing | Layman Hall 112 | mknight@claflin.edu8035355013 | |
Dr. Daniel M. KoenemannAssistant Professor of Biology | Biology | H.V. Manning Library 302 | dkoenemann@claflin.edu8035355378 | |
Mr. William C. KropffDirector of Auxillary Services | Auxiliary Services | Russell Street Campus MO | wkropff@claflin.edu8035355470 | |
Mrs. Sherietta Farron Lane | | | smurrell@claflin.edu | Mrs. Sherietta Farron Lane |
Mr. Eugene LeboufDirector of Food Servcie | Sodexo | | eugene.leboeuf@sodexo.com8036109258 | |
Mrs. Zelda M. LeeDirector of the Annual Fund/Alumni Relations | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall 3-S12 | zelee@claflin.edu8035355348 | |
Ms. Matisse S LeeAssociate Director of Athletics | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 122 | matisse.lee@claflin.edu8035355034 | |
Dr. Joon Choel Lee | | | jolee@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Jayson Eugene Leverett | | | jaleverett@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Kayla C LewisAdmissions Counselor/Recruiter | Admissions | Tingley Hall 1-S3 | kalewis@claflin.edu8035355550 | |
Dr. Nan LiProfessor in the School of Education | School of Education | Bowen Hall 113 | nli@claflin.edu8035355245 | Dr. Nan Li |
Dr. Karina LilesChair, Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science/Assoc. Prof. of Computer Science | Math & Computer Science | James S. Thomas 331 | kliles@claflin.edu8035355018 | Dr. Karina Liles |
Mrs. Robercine LinderAdministrative Assistant | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 105 | rlinder@claflin.edu8035355200 | |
Ms. Vivian R LingardAdministrative Assistant | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall S3-10 | vlingard@claflin.edu8035355375 | |
Dr. Jessica A MylesInstructor of Mathematics | Math & Computer Science | James S. Thomas 112 | jmyles@claflin.edu8035355068 | |
Dr. Johnny LoweryAssistant Professor of Management | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 218 | jolowery@claflin.edu8035355116 | Dr. Johnny Lowery |
Mrs. Tarshua T. MackAssistant Vice President for Title III Programs and Special Initiatives | Sponsored Programs | Abernathy House GO | tamack@claflin.edu8035355540 | |
Mrs. Cheryl P. MackStudent Success Coach | Office of the President | Corson Hall 112 | chemack@claflin.edu8035355683 | |
Dr. LaKerri MackAssistant Professor of Criminal Justice | Social Sciences | Goff House GO | lamack@claflin.edu8035355414 | |
Mrs. Angelique N. Maes | | | amaes@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Kuhanandha MahalingamDirector of Application Development | Information Technology | Campus Center 114 | kuha@claflin.edu8035355777 | |
Dr. Denver L MalcomAssistant VP for Student Development | Academic Affairs | Corson Hall 109 | dmalcom@claflin.edu8035355478 | |
Dr. Danny E Malone | | | dmalone@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Vincent E. Mangum | | | vmangum@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Daryoush ManiAssistant Professor of Mathematics | Math & Computer Science | JSTANNEX R-1 | dmani@claflin.edu8035355255 | Mr. Daryoush Mani |
Mr. Frank C Martin | | | fmartin@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Matthew W. MartinVisiting Instructor of Criminal Justice | Social Sciences | Goff House GO | mamartin@claflin.edu8035355730 | |
Ms. Melissa E MathisHR Data Management Coordinator | Human Resources | Tingley Hall 1-S4 | mmathis@claflin.edu8035355517 | |
Dionne Ashley-Johnson McCollumAssociate Director of Athletics for Compliance | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy GO | dmccollum@claflin.edu8035355365 | |
Dr. Gloria S. McCutcheonChair and Professor of Biology | Biology | James S. Thomas 234 | gmccutcheon@claflin.edu8035355459 | Dr. Gloria S. McCutcheon |
Rev. Larry D. McCutcheonInterim Chaplin | Student Support Services | Chapel | lmccutcheon@claflin.edu8035365385 | |
Ms. Tonyetta S McDanielService Learning/Community Service Coordinator | Career Development | Corson Hall 134 | tonyetta.mcdaniel@claflin.edu8035355333 | |
Mrs. Shawnee McDowellFiscal Specialist 1/ Cashier | Accounting | Tingley Hall 2-S3 | shcolter@claflin.edu8035355432 | |
Dr. Isaiah R. McGeeAssociate Professor of Music and Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences | Music | Music Building 206 | imcgee@claflin.edu8035355234 | Dr. Isaiah R. McGee |
Ms. Barbara A. McKelveyAssociate Administrative Assistant | Humanities | Chapel ST-24 | bmckelvey@claflin.edu8035355186 | |
Ms. Nadine McMillanStudent Success Coach | Office of the President | Corson Hall 106 | nmcmillan@claflin.edu8035355472 | |
Ms. Wilhemena McMillanAuxiliary Services Coordinator | Auxiliary Services | Russell Street Campus MO | wmcmillan@claflin.edu8035355093 | |
Megan E. McQueen | Athletics | | megan.mcqueen@claflin.edu2157046544 | |
Mrs. Martha Helen MeachamAssistant Professor of Piano/Staff and Choir Accompanist | Music | Music Building 306 | hmeacham@claflin.edu8035355564 | |
Mrs. Rosalyn MitchellCampus Safety Officer | Public Safety | High Rise Hall OR-1 | rosmitchell@claflin.edu8035355444 | |
Dr. Robyn Mixon | | | rmixon@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Morgan M MontgomeryAssistant Director of Library | Library | H.V. Manning Library 100A | momontgomery@claflin.edu8035355306 | |
Mrs. Daisy Mae MoorerAdministrative Assistant | School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | Calhoun-Downs Laymen Hall 108 | dmoorer@claflin.edu8035355843 | |
Mrs. Keyscha Regeaner MoorerFinancial Aid Counselor | Financial Aid | Corson Hall 148 | kmoorer@claflin.edu8035355426 | |
Mrs. Tiffany M. MurphyDirector of Residential Life | Residential Life | Student Life 113 | tmurphy@claflin.edu8035355301 | |
Mr. Daniel R. Myers | | | danmyers@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Colin M MyersWeb Communications Manager | Communications and Marketing | Tingley Hall S3-7 | colin.myers@claflin.edu8035355668 | |
Mr. Scott Thomas NestorHead Baseball Coach | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 128 | snestor@claflin.edu8035355295 | |
Mr. Edward L. NewtonAssistant Men's Basketball Coach | Athletics | | enewton@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Ernest E NimmonsTransportation Operator Manager I | Auxiliary Services | Russell Street Campus MO | enimmons@claflin.edu8035355496 | |
Ms. Wanda R. NimmonsSponsored Programs Administrator/Coordinator | Sponsored Programs | Abernathy House GO | wanimmons@claflin.edu8035355544 | |
Helen M Nondo | | | hnondo@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Torian M NunnAcademic Student Support Coordinator / UB Profess. Counselor | Soar Center | Boulevard House (Soar Center/Upward Bound) GO | tnunn@claflin.edu8035355060 | |
Mr. Robert O'NealAthletics Director | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy GO | roneal@claflin.edu8035355549 | |
Mary A. OakmanHR Director | | JST | moakman@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Angel OliverManager of Gifts Processing & Acknowledgements | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall 3-S10 | anoliver@claflin.edu8035355351 | |
Ms. Kristine M. OvermanVisiting Instructor of Music | Music | Music Building 204 | koverman@claflin.edu8035355236 | |
Ms. Merilyn S. Palmer | | | merpalmer@claflin.edu8035961677 | |
Mrs. Connie Jamison PalmerAssociate Administrative Assistant | Chemistry | Molecular Science Research Center 110 | cpalmer@claflin.edu8035355304 | |
Dr. Nicholas PanasikAssociate Professor of Biology/Chemistry | Biology | James S. Thomas 221 | npanasik@claflin.edu8035355535 | Dr. Nicholas Panasik |
Dr. Shrikant D. PawarAssistant Professor of Biology/Computer Science | Biology | James S. Thomas 331 | spawar@claflin.edu8035355565 | |
Mrs. Paula C. PaytonAssistant Director of Admissions | Admissions | Tingley Hall 1-S3 | pcpayton@claflin.edu8035355342 | |
Dr. Yuanyuan PengAssociate Professor of Mathematics | Math & Computer Science | JSTANNEX R-4 | ypeng@claflin.edu8035355477 | Dr. Yuanyuan Peng |
Mrs. Samantha Renise PerryInstructor of Accounting | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 110 | sperry@claflin.edu8035355611 | Mrs. Samantha Renise Perry |
Nikita S Pete | | | npete@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Thomas M. PetersInterim Director of Wellness and Intramurals | Athletics | Jonas T. Kennedy 107 | tpeters@claflin.edu8035355047 | |
Dr. Cletra PetersVice President and Chief of Staff | Office of the President | Tingley Hall 2-S2 | cpeters@claflin.edu8035355267 | |
Dr. Danny Pirtle | | | dpirtle@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Anthony A. PittmanProf. of Education and Dean of the School of Education | School of Education | Bowen Hall 131 | apittman@claflin.edu8035355225 | |
Kwadwo Poku-Agyemang | | | kpokuagyemang@claflin.edu | |
Almond S Ponge | | | aponge@claflin.edu | |
Christine AS Powell-Thomas | | | cpowellthomas@claflin.edu | |
RoCheryl Pratt | | | rpratt@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Michelle L ProvostInstructor of Psychology | Social Sciences | Trustee Hall 11 | mprovost-wassell@claflin.edu8035355278 | Ms. Michelle L Provost |
Mrs. Charlene Pruitt-DorseyInstructor of Nursing & Program Director | School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | Calhoun-Downs Laymen Hall 109 | cpruitt@claflin.edu8035355557 | |
Mr. Ricardo QuinonezAssistant Professor of Studio Art | Art | Calhoun-Downs Laymen Hall 210 | rquinonez@claflin.edu8035355290 | |
Dr. Md Mamdudur RahmanAssistant Professor of Chemistry | Chemistry | Molecular Science Research Center 102 | mrahman@claflin.edu8035355098 | |
Dr. Muthukrishna RajaProfessor of Chemistry | Chemistry | Abernathy House GO | mraja@claflin.edu8035355176 | Dr. Muthukrishna Raja |
Mr. Thomas RalphChemistry Laboratory Coordinator | Chemistry | James S. Thomas 309 | tralph@claflin.edu0 | |
Mrs. Wanda D. RandallFiscal Specialist III | Accounting | Tingley Hall 2-S4 | wrandall@claflin.edu8035355244 | |
Dr. Peggy S. RatliffProfessor of English | English | Trustee Hall 3 | pratliff@claflin.edu8035355233 | Dr. Peggy S. Ratliff |
Ms. Carolyn RavenellAdministrative Assistant | School of Humanities & Social Science | W. Vernon Middleton Fine Arts Center 132 | cravenell@claflin.edu8035355232 | |
Mr. Leroy Ravenell | | | Leroy.Ravenell@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Chicquetta President ReedDirector of 1st & 2n Year Experience | Freshman College | Bowen Hall 123 | cpresident@claflin.edu8035355676 | |
Mr. Cedric L RembertAssistant Professor of Speech & Drama | English | W. Vernon Middleton Fine Arts Center 204 | crembert@claflin.edu8035355235 | |
Ms. Erika RhettLecturer Dept. of Math & Computer Sciences | Math & Computer Science | James S. Thomas 132 | erhett@claflin.edu8035355537 | Ms. Erika Rhett |
Dr. Theppatorn RhujittawiwatAssistant Professor of Computer Science | Math & Computer Science | | trhujittawiwat@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Endre RiceInstructor of Music and Director of Jazz Studies | Music | W. Vernon Middleton Fine Arts Center 117 | erice@claflin.edu8035355422 | |
Dr. Sharon RichardsAssistant Professor of Psychology | Social Sciences | Goff House GO | shrichards@claflin.edu8035355742 | |
Mrs. Jakan A RichardsonStudent Success Coach | Office of the President | Corson Hall 111 | jakrichardson@claflin.edu8035355758 | |
Ms. Kizzy Megayle RiversSenior Financial Aid Counselor | Financial Aid | Corson Hall 147 | krivers@claflin.edu8035355684 | |
Dr. Anthony M. RizzutiAssociate Professor of Chemistry/Environmental Science | Chemistry | James S. Thomas 315 | arizzuti@claflin.edu8035355322 | Dr. Anthony M. Rizzuti |
Dr. Samuel G. RobersonAssistant Professor of Human Performance & Recreation | School of Education | Jonas T. Kennedy 128 | sroberson@claflin.edu8035355247 | Dr. Samuel G. Roberson |
Ms. Amanda L. RobertsAssociate Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper | Student Support Services | Corson Hall 121 | amroberts@claflin.edu8035355287 | |
Dr. Jeremy RobinsAssistant Professor of MusicTheory and Composition | Music | W. Vernon Middleton Fine Arts Center 202 | jrobins@claflin.edu8035355320 | Dr. Jeremy Robins |
Dr. Nick RobinsonAssociate Professor of English | English | Trustee Hall 11 | nrobinson@claflin.edu8035355430 | Dr. Nick Robinson |
Ms. Lottie R. RobinsonSenior Administrative Assistant | Accounting | Tingley Hall 2-S3 | lorobinson@claflin.edu8035355492 | |
Dr. Jade J. Robinson | | | jadrobinson@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Ashley G. Robinson | | | ashrobinson@claflin.edu8643840346 | |
Cheryl W Robinson | | | cherobinson@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Ellen L. Robinson-Ricoma | | | erobinson@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Douglas Trevor RootAssociate Professor of English | English | Trustee Hall 12 | droot@claflin.edu8035355212 | Dr. Douglas Trevor Root |
Mr. Tedro Rouse | | | trouse@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Devetta M RushFiscal Specialist III-Accounts Payable Specialist | Accounting | Tingley Hall 2-S5 | drush@claflin.edu8035355421 | |
Dr. Scott C. RyanAssistant Professor of Religion | Humanities | Chapel 22 | sryan@claflin.edu8035355226 | |
Dr. Pandora RyantAssistant Professor of Nursing/MSN Leadership Program Director | School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | Calhoun-Downs Laymen Hall 111 | pryant@claflin.edu8035355187 | |
Mr. Mohammad Saffar | | | msaffar@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Pratap K. SahuAssistant Professor of Computer Science | School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | James S. Thomas 233 | psahu@claflin.edu8035355074 | |
Dr. Tara H. SaracinaAssociate Professor of Accounting | School of Business | Grace Thomas Kennedy 108 | tsaracina@claflin.edu8035355207 | Dr. Tara H. Saracina |
Ms. Ashley S. SchofieldAssociate Vice President for Fiscal Affairs | Accounting | Tingley Hall 2-S4 | aschofield@claflin.edu8035355264 | |
Mrs. Samantha A. ScottSenior Major Gifts Officer | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall 3-S12 | samscott@claflin.edu8035355665 | |
Mr. Shawn LaChristopher SheardAuxiliary Specialist I | Auxiliary Services | Russell Street Campus MO | ssheard@claflin.edu8035355567 | |
Mr. Jerry J. SheltonInformation Technology Specialist III | Information Technology | James S. Thomas 128 | jshelton@claflin.edu8035355251 | |
Public Saftey Officer | Public Saftey | | wsherrod@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Pamela G. ShulerFiscal Specialist III/SNSM | Chemistry | James S. Thomas 309 | pshuler@claflin.edu8035355327 | |
Dr. Kathryn SilvaChair, Dept. of Humanities & Social Sciences/Associate Professor of History | Humanities | Chapel 8 | ksilva@claflin.edu8035355126 | Dr. Kathryn Silva |
Ms. Maria Miyoko Simmons | | | marisimmons@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Kumkum SinghAssociate Director/Learning Management Systems (LMS) | Information Technology | James S. Thomas 128 | ksingh@claflin.edu8035355899 | Dr. Kumkum Singh |
Dr. Jonathan SmallsAssociate Vice Provost for Research | Academic Affairs | | josmalls@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Miesha SmartAcademic Student Support Coordinator | Career Development | Claflin University Student Center Suite 249 | msmart@claflin.edu8035355149 | |
Dr. Delphia SmithAssistant Professor in the School of Education | School of Education | Bowen Hall 115 | delsmith@claflin.edu8035355457 | |
Dr. Dywanna SmithAssistant Professor of Education | School of Education | Bowen Hall 114 | dysmith@claflin.edu8035355289 | |
Dr. LaShaune Smith-BrisbonVisiting Assistant Professor of Education | School of Education | Bowen Hall 111 | lsmith-brisbon@claflin.edu8035355397 | |
Mrs. Carolyn R. SnellAsst. to VP of Student Develop/Director Career Development | Career Development | Corson Hall 134 | csnell@claflin.edu8035355338 | |
Dr. Vikki Y. Spann | | | vspann@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. April Spraggins-JohnsonJunior Procurement Specialist | Auxiliary Services | Russell Street Campus MO | aspraggins-johnson@claflin.edu8035355215 | |
Dr. Ramaier SriramAssociate Professor of Computer Science/Provost Fellow | Math & Computer Science | James S. Thomas 125 | rsriram@claflin.edu8035355522 | |
Dr. Nesan S. SriskandaAssociate Professor of Engineering & Mathematics | Math & Computer Science | JSTANNEX R-2 | snesan@claflin.edu8035355073 | Dr. Nesan S. Sriskanda |
Dr. Patrick L StearnsAssociate Professor of Mass Communications | Mass Communication | Trustee Hall 13 | pstearns@claflin.edu8035355721 | Dr. Patrick L Stearns |
Ms. Angela StukesCampus Safety Officer | Public Safety | High Rise Hall OR-1 | angstukes@claflin.edu8035355451 | |
Ms. Sunny TateSecurity Corporal | Public Safety | High Rise Hall OR-1 | state@claflin.edu8035355451 | |
Mr. Pavel Asad ThakurAssistant Director of Auxiliary Services and Procurement | Auxiliary Services | Russell Street Campus MO | apavel@claflin.edu8035355486 | |
Mrs. Shirley H. ThomasDirector of Student Support Services | Student Support Services | Corson Hall 123 | sthomas@claflin.edu8035355280 | |
Ms. Brenda D ThomasLiving & Learning Community Specialist | Residential Life | Bowen Hall 123 | bthomas@claflin.edu8035355282 | |
Dr. Verlie A. TisdaleInterim Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Professor of Biology | School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | James S. Thomas 207 | vtisdale@claflin.edu8035355433 | Dr. Verlie A. Tisdale |
Dr. Charlie J. ToomerAssistant Professor of Music/Director of Chorale Services | Music | Music Building 104 | ctoomer@claflin.edu8035355605 | |
Ms. Makayla F. TurnerStudent Success Coach | Office of the President | Corson Hall 129 | makturner@claflin.edu8035355003 | |
Mr. Richard N. UnionInformation Technology Specialist II | Information Technology | H.V. Manning Library 100 | union@claflin.edu8035355250 | |
Dr. Somasundaram VelummylumProfessor of Mathematics | Math & Computer Science | James S. Thomas 112 | svelummylum@claflin.edu8035355252 | Dr. Somasundaram Velummylum |
Mr. Stephon C VoidNuclear Magnetic Resonance Technician | Chemistry | James S. Thomas 309 | stephon.void@claflin.edu8035355293 | Mr. Stephon C Void |
Mr. Kenya WaldenResidential Life Coordinator | Residential Life | SRC South OR-1 | kwalden@claflin.edu8035355614 | |
Miss Bianca Danielle WalkerAssociate Administrative Assistant | Social Sciences | Goff House GO | biwalker@claflin.edu8035355896 | |
Miss Kerri Shevina WalkerSenior Administrative Assistant | Office of the President | Tingley Hall 2-S1 | kwalker@claflin.edu8035355412 | |
Dr. Wei WanProfessor of Mathematics | Math & Computer Science | JSTANNEX R-4 | wwan@claflin.edu8035355477 | Dr. Wei Wan |
Dr. Dwaun J WarmackPresident of Claflin University | Office of the President | Tingley Hall 2-S1 | president@claflin.edu8035355412 | |
Mrs. Shan'nain T Washington | | | shanwashington@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Valarie R.J. WatsonSponsored Programs Administrator II | Sponsored Programs | Abernathy House GO | valarie.johnson@claflin.edu8035355533 | |
Mrs. Thelma WatsonAssociate Administrative Assistant | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall 3-S12 | tswatson@claflin.edu8035355722 | |
Mrs. Pamela WattsSenior Administrative Assistant | | Tingley Hall 3-S8 | pwatts@claflin.edu8035355228 | |
Dr. Dora E. WaymerInterim Recruiter and Program Coordinator | School of Education | Bowen Hall 107 | dwaymer@claflin.edu8035355673 | |
Julie H Welch | | | jwelch@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Bernard WescottInformation Technology Specialist II | Information Technology | James S. Thomas 128 | bwescott@claflin.edu8035355296 | |
Mrs. Chondra T. WhiteUpward Bound Assistant Director | Student Support Services | Boulevard House (Soar Center/Upward Bound) GO | cjacobs@claflin.edu8035355059 | |
Dr. Lerone Wilder | | | lewilder@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Melvin WilliamsInterim Executive Director of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness/Interim Chief of Police | Public Safety | High Rise Hall OR-1 | mewilliams@claflin.edu8035355575 | |
Mrs. Brittiney WilliamsAdjuct Position | School of Business | | brittiwilliams@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Mary M. WilliamsAssociate Professor of Sociology | Social Sciences | Corson Hall 107 | marywilliams@claflin.edu8035355185 | |
Mrs. Tabatha B. WilliamsAdministrative Assistant | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall 3-S7 | williamsta@claflin.edu8035355044 | |
Ms. Mary S Williams | | | marywilliams1@claflin.edu | |
Mr. Cecil J. WilliamsDirector of Historic Preservation/Photographer | Office of the President | H.V. Manning Library 306 | cecil.williams@claflin.edu8035355205 | |
Ms. Melvenia WilliamsExecutive Administrative Assistant | Office of the President | Tingley Hall 2-S1 | mwilliams@claflin.edu8035355491 | |
Ms. Terria C. WilliamsDirector of Financial Aid | Financial Aid | Corson Hall 143 | twilliams@claflin.edu8035355720 | |
Ms. Yolanda L. WilliamsDirector of Prospect Research | Institutional Advancement | Tingley Hall 3-S12 | ywilliams@claflin.edu8035355509 | |
Mr. Rene W Williams | | | Rene.Williams@claflin.edu | |
Mrs. Queen E WilsonAdministrative Assistant | Academic Affairs | Tingley Hall 3-S9 | qwilson@claflin.edu8035355404 | |
Mrs. Schiria P Wilson | | | scwilson@claflin.edu | |
Dr. Mitali Pati WongProfessor of English & Special Assistant to the Dean, School of Humanities & Social Sciences | English | Grace Thomas Kennedy 210 | wong@claflin.edu8035355221 | Dr. Mitali Pati Wong |
Ms. Rachael T WoodsInstructor/Lab Manager | Chemistry | James S. Thomas 309 | rachael.woods@claflin.edu8035355621 | |
Mr. Andrew C. Worth | | | aworth@claflin.edu4704673482 | |
Dr. Karl S WrightProvost - Chief Academic Officer | Academic Affairs | Tingley Hall 3-S9 | kawright@claflin.edu8035355417 | |
Mr. Brandon J. YarbroughOrganic Lab Instructor | School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | James S. Thomas 309 | byarbrough@claflin.edu8035355524 | |
Suzette M Young | | | suyoung@claflin.edu | |
Ms. Lorenda M. YoungerEnrollment Management Coordinator/Recruiter | Professional & Continuing Studies | Army Cont. Edu. Svcs. A114 | lyounger@claflin.edu8037870825 | |
Dr. Jason YoungkeitAssociate Professor of Spanish | Humanities | H.V. Manning Library 301 | jyoungkeit@claflin.edu8035355281 | Dr. Jason Youngkeit |
Dr. Mohammed YousufAssociate Professor of Political Science | Social Sciences | Goff House GO | yousuf@claflin.edu8035355484 | Dr. Mohammed Yousuf |
Mr. Michael ZeiglerDirector of Admissions | Admissions | Tingley Hall 1-S3 | mike.zeigler@claflin.edu8035355340 | |