PK-12 and Secondary Education Programs

The School of Education holds responsibility for all of the teacher education areas, including those housed in other schools at Claflin University—Art Education, English Education, Mathematics Education, and Music Education.


Our programs are housed in their respective schools, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and are co-managed by the School of Education.

PK-12 Programs

Secondary Education Programs

Admissions Requirements

Prospective students interested in applying to programs within the School of Education are encouraged to review our unique admissions requirements.

Teacher Education Admissions
Claflin Academic Catalog

Courses & Requirements

View the academic catalog to see all courses and requirements.

2021-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
     2018-2020 Undergraduate Catalog   2015-2017 Undergraduate Catalog                                       
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