Foreign Language

The study of Foreign Languages is critical to becoming visionary leaders in the world today! Also, Spanish Majors and Minors are leaders in a vibrant community of language experts across the Latin American world.

The Department of Humanities offers courses in over seven different languages, including Spanish, French, Portuguese, Hindi, Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese. Through an array of multiple language experiences, students are emerged in a global cultural, historical, and contemporary studies of countries around the world. The Foreign Languages program in the Department of Humanities offers one major in Spanish. Students who major and minor in Spanish will have exciting careers as thought-leaders, translators, speakers, teachers, writers, and advocates.


The Foreign Languages curriculum is among the best in the nation. Instructors, who are experts in the fields, holding doctorates from leading universities from around the world, work to develop a curriculum that is student friendly, yet rigorous and exciting. Specifically, the curriculum for Spanish majors and minors is comparable to national standards and prepares students for a wide range of careers and service in the field.

Student Opportunities and Experience

Students will be able to engage in travel opportunities, internships, and experiential learning. The Foreign Languages program works in partnership with the International Studies Program that provides study abroad and learning opportunities for language students as well.

Careers and Outcomes

Careers in this field include professional translators, teachers, scholarship, and community service.

Admissions Requirements

Some orientation to the foreign languages is encouraged.

Claflin Academic Catalog

Courses & Requirements

View the academic catalog to see all courses and requirements.

2021-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
     2018-2020 Undergraduate Catalog   2015-2017 Undergraduate Catalog                                       
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